About Me

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Hello,my name is Ann Chen.I'm a sophomore in land ecnomics for meassurment.I'm loved in playing volleyball.My leisure time now is half on the internet and half in playing volleyball.The concept of my life is to live in the moment and having fun.What I'm going to talk about in my blog is to introduce some facebook's games that I used to play in my daily life.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

.The old fashioned: ZUMA blitz

Since last time I had introduced you ‘bejeweled blitz’, now you might be wondering what’s ‘blitz’ mean? How come these games want to add this word behind their title. The word ‘blitz’ means a very quick battle, which suggests that these games finish very quickly. Take ‘ZUMA blitz’ as an example, it’s a one-minute version of the hit ZUMA series. The rule is you have to spit the color balls from the frog mouth to destroy the chain with the same color. This game is quite easy, suitable for anyone when you are bored.

  Just like other facebook’s game, you can upgrade your special skills by buying props. And the higher your rank are, the more score you’ll get. The most attracting place to me is their sound’s effect. It will make me feel like wander in the ancient rainforest. So is the screen design, I think the designer of this game really did a good job. I subjectively think it’s not only a game, it’s also an artwork. Compared to other two games I’ve mentioned, I don’t prefer ‘ZUMA blitz’ more in fact. But it still played an important role in my life few months ago. If you feel depressed and frustrated, why don’t you just try ‘ZUMA blitz’ for a while? I bet you won’t be disappointed.
this man is amazing!!!!! 

this is a normal master.


  1. hello!
    actually, i've played the game which is alike this for long time since i bought iPhone. I really like these game, because we don't need to think about anything, just shoot the right color ball to the right section.So, when i am frustrated or despressed i always find myself have a good time in this game.

  2. I've saw this on the website which has many games for cell phones. I didn't know what "ZUMA" is so I didn't download it. Now I see, and I'll try it when I can use my own computer nad maybe save it on my cell phone. It looks cool! :D

  3. I found the games you've introduced are similar. It seems like you are fond of those kinds of things?

    I also played it before, but I prefer normal versions than this one-minute version, because I don't like clearing a stage so quickly.

    It dosen't mean this one is terrible, because at least you can finish the stage you are playing in when your mother call you to eat lunch.
